Will you ask your MP to help older people cope through this cost of living crisis?

For millions of older people, the cost of living crisis is far from over. Age UK have heard from thousands that are struggling to keep up with mounting bills and who are desperately worried. 

They told us that they have had to spend their savings, go into debt and go back to work if they can. The result? Many older people will be less resilient to weather the storm of continued high prices. 

"I'm chronically disabled and have very little by the way of savings but I have had to spend most of what little I have to keep me warm this past year. I can probably only manage one more winter without freezing in my own home" – Gary, 65

MPs must ensure that all older people have enough to pay their bills this winter and their incomes are protected in the long-term.

Please will you email your MP and ask them to help?

Are you sure? Choosing ‘No’ will stop all campaign emails from us, including those you receive at the moment.

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''We'', includes the charity, its charitable and trading subsidiaries, and national charities (Age Cymru, Age Scotland and Age NI). For further details on how your data is used and stored: www.ageuk.org.uk/help/privacy-policy.