Help us create a Parliament of Age Champions

This general election, we want as many candidates as possible to commit to becoming an Age Champion in the UK Parliament if they’re elected. That means we’d have a Parliament of MPs committed to speaking out on behalf of older people and changing their lives for the better. 

Your candidates need to hear from people like you, their future constituents, about why it’s important to you that they become an Age Champion if elected. 

Will you write to the candidates in your area?

To write to your candidates, please answer the following questions. This will pre-write an email that you will have the chance to edit before sending.

1. Details | 2. Questions | 3. Send!

Are you sure? Choosing ‘No’ will stop all campaign emails from us, including those you receive at the moment.

Keep in touch with Age UK

We'd like to keep in touch with you about the vital work we do for older people, our fundraising appeals and opportunities to support us, as well as the products and services you can buy.

We will never sell your data and we promise to keep your details safe and secure. You can change your mind at any time by emailing [email protected].

''We'', includes the charity, its charitable and trading subsidiaries, and national charities (Age Cymru, Age Scotland and Age NI). For further details on how your data is used and stored: